Program committee

Albert ChengUniversity of Houston
Camil DemetrescuSapienza University of Rome
Dominique DevrieseKU Leuven
Erik MeijerFacebook
Francisco Sant'AnnaUERJ - Rio de Janeiro State University
Guido Salvaneschi chairTechnical University of Darmstadt
Heather MillerEPFL
Hridesh RajanDept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University
Jacques NoyéEcole des Mines de Nantes
Jonathan EdwardsY Combinator Research
Lukasz ZiarekThe State University of New York
Mehdi BagherzadehOakland University
Patrick EugsterUSI, TU Darmstadt, and Purdue University
Philipp HallerKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Shigeru ChibaUniversity of Tokyo
Tim FelgentreffHasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam
Umut AcarCarnegie Mellon University and INRIA
Wolfgang De MeuterVrije Universiteit Brussels